Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Market Research

I decided to go around different shops and record myself talking to the shop assistant in order to get an idea of the most popular mens fashions. I made up a scenario that I was buying a shirt for my friends 21st and I wanted to no the most popular item. Some of it is very hard to hear (and very embarrassing as I sound like an annoying child) but I went to Marcs, Country Road, Barkers and Zambesi (in order). 

The results were as follows:
- Marcs: "Red is everywhere at the moment" - shop assistant. $59 dress shirt on sale. Very helpful and a little more casual which was nice.
- Country Road: emphasized slim fitting shirt as opposed to baggy shirt. Also in blue check and red check. $109 standard and I believe $79 on sale
- Barkers: Quite unhelpful shop assistant. $99 on sale - biggest selection of colors as the brand is only mens wear 
- Zambesi: Very helpful shop assistant. Silk shirt for $600 plus. Gingham two tone, only made in NZ, slim fit for $320

In conclusion, my favorite shirt was definitely the Zambesi two tone gingham and if money was not an issue I would definitely go with this. Saying this, I think you are getting the best value for money at Barkers at $99 as it was the largest selection of colors, some of which were more interesting than your red and blue check. As you can clearly hear in the video, I have the least conversation with the Barkers shop assistant and did not really enjoy my experience. This shows that above all value for money and price will normally win. 

P.s. I tried to upload this as a voice clip but it would only let me load the video so I cut the clip and this is a filming of it on my phone :) 

Initial Design Development

Moving into initial Design development I need to think about a few key concepts that will affect every part of my collection:

- Think about the LARGER VOLUME MARKET through cost, care, function, perception of quality
- How these factors relate to COST = if New Zealand label the cheapest production/ most feasible is to get the garments made off shore. 
- How does this affect ETHICS 


Now: Begin to redesign/ modify/ filter - previous design work and future ideas 

A) Jackets and tailoring 
B) Outerwear
C) Knitwear and Jersey

I have included the mens and women's sides to represent how this collection can be unisex. This is proving much harder that I thought but I am trying to think how fastenings in different places e.g. zips will provide shaping in the women's body especially in the outerwear section. Having unisex garments that is one size fits all would mean less manufacturing, less pattern development, one cut plan that would be eco friendly and all round more sustainable clothing that can reach a wider population. 




Market Research

In my Market Research I have included a range of markets from High to Low price ranges. I have included markets that are New Zealand made for example Kate Sylvester and Zambesi and others like Topshop and Just Jeans that mass produce to a western worldwide market. In addition to this I included Kow Tow which is a mostly sold online however features in boutiques like Good as Gold. It is an organic, fair trade label. 

Kate Sylvester is a high end market. It is mostly New Zealand made with designer clothing that is individual to the New Zealand market. It has the main line, Kate Sylvester and a diffusion line called Sylvester. Sylvester is seen as "Kate's Little Sister" hence the shorter hem lines, more colorful palate and overall more youthful appearance. The Sylvester line is in fact designed for the australian market. The lower price point is mainly due to the polyester blends used in most of the garments compared to the silks and mohair wools used in the mainline. 

Zambesi symbolises what New Zealand fashion is for me. It is a high end boutique label that presents a different/inspiring way of dressing. The clothing uses extremely expensive fabrics of the highest quality. The garments are mostly made in New Zealand and not mass produced hence the higher price point. 

Country Road is a mid range market selling womenswear, menswear and home ware. The garments use good quality fabrics with good finishes that are durable. The garments are mass produced and made off shore which explains the slightly lower price points. 

KowTow is a fair trade, organic womenswear and menswear label. They sell there clothes at boutiques like Good as Gold. The price point is mid range which is very reasonable for a sustainable company. 

Area 51 is a mid to high range market that stocks labels from Marc by Marc Jocobs to Adidas. These Lonely Hearts pants are made in New Zealand yet the price range is not as high as a label like Karen Walker. This could be due to the fabric being bought off shore. 

Just Jeans is a lower market company that follows trends in fashion. They use mostly man made fabrics which explains the lower price range of the garments. 

I included Topshop as it is important to "Think Global" in the present market. Topshop is an example of a business which has spread over the world. It mass produces clothing in both mens and womenswear. 

I included Hallensteins in my market Research to insure I was including a means wear lower market. Similar to womenswear lower market organizations, Hallensteins also uses very simple designs with mostly man made fabrics.