I decided to go around different shops and record myself talking to the shop assistant in order to get an idea of the most popular mens fashions. I made up a scenario that I was buying a shirt for my friends 21st and I wanted to no the most popular item. Some of it is very hard to hear (and very embarrassing as I sound like an annoying child) but I went to Marcs, Country Road, Barkers and Zambesi (in order).
The results were as follows:
- Marcs: "Red is everywhere at the moment" - shop assistant. $59 dress shirt on sale. Very helpful and a little more casual which was nice.
- Country Road: emphasized slim fitting shirt as opposed to baggy shirt. Also in blue check and red check. $109 standard and I believe $79 on sale
- Barkers: Quite unhelpful shop assistant. $99 on sale - biggest selection of colors as the brand is only mens wear
- Zambesi: Very helpful shop assistant. Silk shirt for $600 plus. Gingham two tone, only made in NZ, slim fit for $320
In conclusion, my favorite shirt was definitely the Zambesi two tone gingham and if money was not an issue I would definitely go with this. Saying this, I think you are getting the best value for money at Barkers at $99 as it was the largest selection of colors, some of which were more interesting than your red and blue check. As you can clearly hear in the video, I have the least conversation with the Barkers shop assistant and did not really enjoy my experience. This shows that above all value for money and price will normally win.
P.s. I tried to upload this as a voice clip but it would only let me load the video so I cut the clip and this is a filming of it on my phone :)